Blog Post of the Day:
"Think about the quote above. What does this mean to you? How could this apply to your life? How could this apply to your school work? I would love to give you less work in class if it meant you were going to focus harder on the work. Do you think you would get more out of it? Would that work for you? Why or why not?"
What I tend to do when I have a lot of things to do it shut down and not get any of them accomplished. I'll have so much to do that I don't even know where to start and it gets overwhelming! Between school, trying to find a job, spending time with family, homework, and trying to balance a social life, it's hard to get every school assignment finished, or even enough sleep for that matter. Teachers assign so many meaningless or "busy work" assignments that seem like just a waste of time, so I'll either not do them or put little to no effort into them. Assigning work that takes hours doesn't help me learn the lesson and isn't doing the students any justice. Its cruel and unfair. Teenagers are expected to join clubs, sports teams, extra curricular activities, have a social life, have a job to save money for college, and spend time with family. Where is the time to relax, sleep, and actually enjoy our teenage years? Teachers should focus more on teaching the work in class and being productive in the eight hours of the day that we put aside for school. If teachers would just condense all of the assignments and projects they give us, our lives would be so much better and we would probably be more likely to put effort into our school work. Cut the bullshit out of school, we don't need to color or how to cut and glue things onto a poster to know the subject matter. I'd rather just write a few paragraphs about what I'm supposed to know and learn rather than color pictures and make a poster.
If I didn't have to take these unnecessary "requirements" to graduate school, I could focus more on subjects that I'm going to actually use in my life like math, reading, and sciences. I shouldn't have to take art classes, cooking/sewing, PE (especially because I played two sports for school during freshman year), or any of the other classes that the school district makes us take in order to be "qualified" to attend college. I'd much rather have a more open schedule to take classes that I plan on entering a career field relevant to them. Honestly, I'll never be an artist or an athlete so why should I have to take those classes, which increase my school work load greatly, when I could be taking business classes or learning about real-world things that high school doesn't teach me? It seems like a huge load of shit and waste of my time. A lot of things students have to do in high school is just bullshit. We're not in elementary school, we don't need to know how to color in the lines or how much glue to use; we need to know how to open up a new bank account, manage our finances, how to take out a loan, etc. Not everyone has responsible parents to teach them these things, therefor it should be added to the common core curriculum, and the unnecessary subjects shouldn't be requirements anymore. We should be able to personalize our education to our needs and future. It would increase student's focus on the important classes, increasing grades as well.